Lista de publicaciones científicas

  1. Kovacs FM, Arana E. Letter to the Editor. Ethnic and socioeconomic biases may lead to unexpected positive consequences for patients. Spine J 2020 (In press).

  2. Arana E, Kovacs FM, Royuela A, Asenjo B, Nagib F, Pérez-Aguilera S, Dejoz M, Cabrera-Zubizarreta A, García-Hidalgo Y, Prada R, Estremera A, Casillas C, Ferrer P, and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network Task Force for the improvement of inter-disciplinary management of spinal metastasis. Metastatic versus osteoporotic vertebral fractures on MR imaging: a blinded, multicenter and multispecialty observer agreement evaluation. J NatlComprCanc Net 2020;18(3):267–273doi: 10.6004/jnccn.2019.7367.

  3. Kovacs FM, Seco J, Fernández-Félix BM, Zamora J, Royuela A, Muriel A. Predicting the evolution of a neck pain episode. Analysis of a registry in routine clinical practice. BMC MusculoskeletDisord 2019.2019;20:620.

  4. Hayden JA, Wilson MN, Sterwart S, Cartwright J, Smith AO, Riley RD, et al. Exercise treatment effect modifiers in persistent low back pain: An individual participant data meta-analysis of 3514 participants from 27 randomized controlled trials. Br J SportsMed2019;0:1–16. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101205.

  5. Calvo-Muñoz I, Kovacs F, Roqué M, Seco-Calvo J. The association between the weight of schoolbags and low back pain among schoolchildren. A systematic review, meta-analysis and individual patient data meta-analysis. Eur J Pain 2019Aug 17. doi: 10.1002/ejp.1471.

  6. Brito-García N, García-Pérez L, Kovacs FM, del Pino-Sedeño T, Pérez-Ramos J, Imaz-Iglesia I, Serrano-Aguilar P Response toLetterto Editor. PainMed2019, pnz180,

  7. Chiarotto A, Boers M, Deyo RA, Buchbinder R, Corbin TP, Costa LOP, Foster N, Grotle M, Koes BW, Kovacs M, Lin C-WC, Maher C, Pearson AM, Peul WC, Schoene ML, Turk DC, van Tulder MW, Terwee C, Ostelo RW. Core outcome measurement instruments for clinical trialsin non-specific low back pain. Pain2018 Mar;159(3):481-495.

  8. Brito-García N, García-Pérez L, Kovacs FM, del Pino-Sedeño T, Pérez-Ramos J, Imaz-Iglesia I, Serrano-Aguilar P Efficacy, effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of epidural adhesiolysis for treating failed back surgery syndrome. A systematic review. Pain Med2018 Dec 24. doi: 10.1093/pm/pny233.

  9. Calvo-Muñoz I, Kovacs FM, Roqué M, Gago-Fernández I, Seco J. Risk factors for low back pain in childhood and adolescence. A systematic review. Clin J Pain2018;34(5):468-484.

  10. Genevay S, Courvoisier D, Konstantinou K, Kovacs FM, Marty M, Rainville J, Norberg M, Kaux JF, Cha TD, Katz JN, Atlas SJ. Clinical Classification Criteria for Neurogenic Claudication caused by Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. The N-CLASS criteria. Spine J2018;18:941-947.

  11. Kovacs FM, Seco J, Royuela A, Barriga A, Zamora J. Prevalence and factors associated with a higher risk of neck and back pain among permanent wheelchair users. A cross-sectional study. Spinal Cord 2017

  12. Kovacs FM, Arana E, Asenjo-García B, Estremera-Rodrigo A, Amengual-Alemany GJ, Sarasíbar-Ezcurra H, Alonso A, Álvarez-Galovich L. Re: Are Modicchangesassociatedwith intervertebral disc cytokineprofiles? Spine J 2018;18:377-8.

  13. Genevay S, Courvoisier D, Konstantinou K, Kovacs FM, Marty M, Rainville J, Norberg M, Kaux JF, Cha TD, Katz JN, Atlas SJ. Clinical classification criteria for radicular pain caused by lumbar disc herniation: the RAPIDH criteria (Radicular PaIn caused by Disc Herniation). Spine J2017;17:1464-1471.

  14. Díaz Arribas MJ, Fernández-Serrano M, Royuela A, Kovacs FM, Gallego-Izquierdo T, Ramos-Sánchez M, Llorca-Palomera R, Pardo-Hervás P, San Martín-Pariente O. MinimalClinicallyImportant Change in qualityoflifeforpatientswithlow back pain. Spine(Phila Pa 1976) 2017;42:1908-1916.

  15. Kovacs FM, Seco J, Royuela A, Betegon JN, Sánchez-Herráez S, Meli M, Martínez-Rodríguez ME, Nuñez M, Álvarez-Galovich L, Moyá J, Sánchez C, Luna S, Borrego P, Moix J, Rodríguez-Pérez V, Torres-Unda J, Burgos-Alonso N, Gago-Fernández I, González-Rubio Y, Abraira V. Theassociationbetweensleepquality, low back pain and disability. A prospective study in routine practice. Eur J Pain 2017Aug 27. doi: 10.1002/ejp.1095. [Epub ahead of print].

  16. Kovacs F, Seco J, Arana A, Royuela A. Advocating for a moratorium on low quality research in the spinal manipulation field. Spine J 2016;16:1423-24.

  17. Arana E, Kovacs FM, Royuela A, Asenjo B, Pérez-Ramírez U, Zamora J. Re: "Prediction of skeletal-related events in patients with non-small cell lung cancer" -use of Spine Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS). Support Care Cancer 2016 doi:10.1007/s00520-016-3268-1.

  18. Kovacs FM, Arana E. Patología degenerativa en la columna lumbar. Radiología 2016;58(S1):26-34.

  19. Kovacs FM, Barriga A, Royuela A, Seco J, Zamora J. Spanish adaptation of the Quality of Life index Spinal Cord Injury Version. Spinal Cord 2016;54:895-900.

  20. Arana E, Kovacs FM, Royuela A, Asenjo B, Pérez-Ramírez U, Zamora J and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network Task Force for the improvement of inter-disciplinary management of spinal metastasis. Agreement in metastatic spinal cord compression. J Natl ComprCancNetw2016;14(1):70-76.

  21. Arana E, Kovacs FM, Royuela A, Pérez-Ramírez U, Zamora J, and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network Task Force for the improvement of interdisciplinary management of spinal metastasis. Spine Instability Neoplastic Score: Agreement across different medical and surgical specialties. Spine J 2016;16:591-599.

  22. Ruiz-España S, Arana E, Moratal D. Semi-automatic computer-aided classification of degenerative lumbar spine disease in magnetic resonance imaging. Comput Biol Med 2015;62:196-205.

  23. Kovacs FM, Seco J, Royuela A, Melis S, Sánchez C, Díaz-Arribas MJ, Meli M, Núñez M, Martínez-Rodríguez ME, Fernández C, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N, Moyá J, Rodríguez-Pérez V, Torres-Unda J, Burgos-Alonso N, Gago-Fernández I, Abraira V. Patientswithneckpain are lesslikelytoimproveiftheysufferfrompoorsleepquality. A prospective study in routine practice. Clin J Pain 2015 31(8):713-21.

  24. Chiarotto A, Deyo RA, Terwee CB, Boers M, Buchbinder R, Corbin TP, Costa LO, Foster NE, Grotle M, Koes BW, Kovacs FM, Lin CW, Maher CG, Pearson AM, Peul WC, Schoene ML, Turk DC, van Tulder MW, Ostelo RW. Erratum to: Core outcome domains for clinical trials in non-specific low back pain. Eur Spine J, 2015 Sep;24(9):2097.

  25. Seco J, Kovacs FM, Urrútia G. Improving Methodology When Analyzing Shockwave Evidence: Evidence Holds the Key. The Spine Journal; 2015;15(7):1703.

  26. Arana E, Kovacs FM, Royuela A, Péez-Ramírez U, Zamora J, and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network Task Force for the improvement of interdisciplinary management of spinal metastasis. Agreement in the assessment of metastatic spine disease using scoring systems. Radiother Oncol 2015;115:135-140.

  27. Chiarotto A, Deyo RA, Terwee CB, Boers M, Buchbinder R, Corbin T, Costa LOP, Foster NE, Grotle M, Koes BW, Kovacs FM, Lin C-WC, Maher CG, Pearson AM, Peul WC, Schoene ML, Turk DC, van Tulder MW, Ostelo RW. Core outcome domains for clinical trials in non-specific low back pain. Eur Spine J 2015 Jun;24(6):1127-42.

  28. Díaz-Arribas MJ, Kovacs FM, Royuela A, Fernández-Serrano M, Gutiérrez-Fernández L, San Matín-Pariente O, Abraira V, and and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network The effectiveness of the Godelieve Denys-Struyf (GDS) method in patients with low back pain: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther 2015 Mar;95(3):319-36.

  29. Chiarotto A, Terwee CB, Deyo RA, Boers M, Lin CC, Buchbinder R, Corbin T, Costa LO, Foster NE, Grotle M, Koes BW, Kovacs FM, Maher CG, Pearson AM, Peul WC, Schoene ML, Turk DC, van Tulder MW, Ostelo RW. A Core Outcome Set for Clinical Trials on Non-Specific Low Back Pain: Study Protocol for the Development of a Core Domain Set. Trials 2014;15(1):511. DOI: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-511.

  30. Cano A, Gestoso M, Kovacs F, Hale C, Mufraggi N, Abraira V. The perceptions of people with low back pain treated in the Spanish National Health, and their experience while undergoing a new evidence based treatment. A focus group study. DisabilRehabil2014;36(20):1713-22.

  31. Kovacs FM, Moix J, Royuela A, Seco J. Re:Wertli MM, Burgstaller JM, Weiser S, Steurer J, Kofmehl R, Held U. Influence of catastrophizing on treatment outcome in patients with nonspecific low back pain. A systematic review. Spine 2014;39:263-273. Spine 2014;21(39):1829.

  32. Campillo C, Casamitjana M, Carrillo-Arias F, Royuela A, Kovacs FM, Abraira V. Post-implementation surveillance of a non-pharmacological health technology within a National Health Service. Int J Technol Assess Health C 2014 (30);2:153-164.

  33. Royuela A, Kovacs FM, Campillo C, Casamitjana M, Muriel A, Abraira V. Predicting outcomes of neuroreflexotherapy in patients with subacute or chronic neck or low back pain. The Spine Journal 2014;14:1588-1600.

  34. Kovacs FM, Urrútia G. "Overviews" should meet the methodological standards of systematic reviews. Eur Spine J 2014 Feb;23(2):480.

  35. Kovacs FM, Arana E, Royuela A, Estremera A, Amengual G, Asenjo B, Sarasíbar H, Galarraga I, Alonso A, Casillas C, Muriel A, Martínez C, Abraira V. Disc degeneration and chronic low back pain: an association which becomes non-significant when endplate changes and disc contour are taken into account. Neuroradiology 2014 Jan;56(1):25-33.

  36. Kovacs F, Arana E, Royuela A.. Re: Emery DJ, Shojania KG, Forster AJ, Mojaverian N, Feasby TE. Inappropriate use of lumbar magnetic resonance imaging: limitations and potential solutions. JAMA Intern Med2013;173(21):2012.

  37. Kovacs FM, Urrútia G, Arana E, Álvarez-Galovich L Olabe J. Re: Lumbar spine fusion for chronic low back pain due to degenerative disc disease. A systematic review. Spine2013;38:E409–22. Spine 2013;38:1901.

  38. Kovacs F, Royuela A, Zamora J, Abraira V. Re: Mueller B, Carreon LY, Glassman SD. Comparison of the EuroQol-5D with the Oswestry Disability Index, back and leg pain scores in patients with degenerative lumbar spine pathology. Spine 2013;38:757-761. Spine 2013;38:1523.

  39. Campillo C, Kovacs F. The use of risk sharing tools for post adoption surveillance of a non pharmacological technology in routine practice: results after one year. BMC Health Serv Res 2013, 13:181 doi:10.1186/1472-6963-13-181.

  40. Kovacs F, Seco S, Urrutia G. Time to cease the use of ultrasounds for treating low back pain. Annals of Family Medicine. March/April 2013, 11 (2). Published March 25, 2013

  41. Kovacs FM, Arana E, Royuela A, Cabrera A, Casillas C, Piñero P, Vega M, Estremera A, Amengual G, Sarasíbar H, Ferrer P, Manjarrés A, Zamarro J, Bravo-Rodríguez F, Paniagua JC, Mota J, Sánchez-Sagrado T, Abraira V. Appropriatenessof lumbar spinemagneticresonanceimaging in Spain. Eur J Rad 2013;82:1008-1014.

  42. Gérvas J, Kovacs FM. Index case for the fungal meningitus outbreak. N Engl J Med 2013;368(10);970.

  43. Kovacs FM, Arana E, Royuela A, Estremera A, Amengual G, Asenjo B, Sarasíbar H, Galarraga I, Alonso A, Casillas C, Muriel A, Martínez C, Abraira V. Re: Fitzgerald RT. Paternalism in radiology? AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2013 Jan;34(1):E8. doi:10.3174/ajnr.A3438.

  44. Hayden JA, Cartwright JL, Riley RD, van Tulder MW and the Chronic LBP IPD Meta-analysis Group. Exercise therapy for chronic low back pain: protocol for an individual participant data meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews 2012;1: 64.

  45. Kovacs FM. Seco J, Royuela A, Muriel A, Abraira V. The challenge of taking on board unexpected conclusions. Spine J 2012 Dec;12(12):1167-8.

  46. Kovacs FM, Royuela A, Arana E, Estremera A, Amengual G, Asenjo B, Sarasíbar H, Galarraga I, Muriel A, Martínez C, Abraira V Kovacs FM, Royuela A, Arana E, Estremera A, Amengual G, Asenjo B, Sarasíbar H, Galarraga I, Muriel A, Martínez C, Abraira V. Re: ISSLS prizewinner: lumbar vertebral endplatelesionsassociationswith disc degeneration and back painhistory. Spine 2012;37:1490-6. Spine 2012;38:93.

  47. Kovacs FM, Seco J, Royuela A, Corcoll J, Abraira V and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Predicting the evolution of low back pain patients in routine clinical practice. Results from a registry within the Spanish National Health Service. The Spine Journal 2012;12:1008-1020.

  48. Arana E, Ruiz-España S, Kovacs FM, Moratal D. Computer-assisted diagnosis of degenerative lumbar spine MR imaging. Neuroradiology 2012;54:S75.

  49. Kovacs FM, Seco J, Royuela A, Corcoll, J, Peña A, and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. The prognostic value of catastrophizing for predicting the clinical evolution of low back pain patients. A study in routine clinical practice within the Spanish National Health Service [NCT00502333]. Spine Journal 2012;12:545-555.

  50. Kovacs FM, Arana E, Royuela A, Estremera A, Asenjo B, Sarasíbar H, Galarraga I, Alonso A, Casillas C, Muriel A, Martínez C, Abraira V. Vertebral endplate changes are not associated with chronic low back pain among Southern European subjects. A case control study [NCT00479063]. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2012;33:1519-1524.

  51. Arana E, Kovacs FM. Enfermedades dolorosas del raquis: precaución y oportunidades con las técnicas de imagen. Radiología 2012;54:287.

  52. Kovacs FM, García E, Royuela A, González L, Abraira V, and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Prevalence and factors associated with low back pain and pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy. A multicenter study conducted in the Spanish National Health Service. Spine 2012;37:1516–1533.

  53. Seco J, Kovacs FM, Urrútia G. Recommendations on ultrasound for low back pain: profit-driven or evidence-based? Spine J 2012;12:360.

  54. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Arana V, Royuela A, Estremera A, Asenjo B, Sarasíbar H, Amengual G, Galarraga I, Alonso A, Casillas C, Muriel A, Montoya J, Ordóñez C, Martínez C, Zamora J, Campillo C. Re: Kääpä E, Luoma K, Pitkäniemi J, et al. Correlation of size and type of modic types 1 and 2 lesions with clinical symptoms: a descriptive study in a subgroup of patients with chronic low back pain on the basis of a university hospital patient sample. Spine;37:134-9. Spine 2012;13:1184.

  55. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Arana E, Royuela E, Álvarez-Galovich L, Bagó J, Peul WC, Schoene ML, Corbin TP. Concerns over the usefulness of Modic changes for recommending total disc arthroplasty. Spine 2012;11(37):1014–1015.

  56. Kovacs FM, Martínez C, Arana E, Royuela A, Estremera A, Amengual G, Asenjo B, Sarasíbar H, Galarraga I, Alonso A, Casillas C, Muriel A, Abraira V. Uncertainties in themeasurementof lumbar spinalstenosison MRI. Are they clinically relevant? Radiology 2012;2:310-311.

  57. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Moix J, Albaladejo C, Zamora J, Royuela A, Muriel A, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N. Fear avoidance beliefs and low back pain; “practical reviews” from expert panel discussions versus comprehensive systematic reviews. Spine J 2012;2:174-175.

  58. Corbin TP, Peul WC, Schoene ML, Kovacs FM. Re: Williams BJ, Smith JS, Fu KM, et al. Does bone morphogenetic protein increase the incidence of perioperative complications in spinal fusion? Spine 2012;37:258.

  59. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Gérvas J, Arana E, Peul WC, Schoene M, Corbin T. Overenthusiastic interpretations of a nonetheless promising study. Transplantation 2012;93:e6.

  60. Froud R, Eldridge S, Kovacs F, Breen A, Bolton J, Dunn K, Fritz J, Keller A, Kent P, Lauridsen HH, Ostelo R, Pincus T, van Tulder M, Vogel S, Underwood M. Reporting outcomes of back pain trials: A modified Delphi study. Eur J Pain 2011;15(10):1068-74.

  61. Serrano-Aguilar P, Kovacs FM, Cabrera-Hernández JM, Ramos-Goñi JM, García-Pérez L. Avoidable costs of physical treatments for chronic back, neck and shoulder pain within the Spanish National Health Service: a cross-sectional study. BMCMusculoskeletalDisorders 2011;12:287 doi:10.1186/1471-2474-12-287.

  62. Seco J, Kovacs FM, Urrutia G. The efficacy, safety, effectiveness, and cost/effectiveness of ultrasound and shock wave therapies for low back pain: A systematic review. The Spine Journal 2011:11:966-77.

  63. Kovacs FM, Urrútia G, Alarcón JD. Surgery versus conservative treatment for symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis. A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Spine 2011;36:E1335–E1351.

  64. Moix J, Kovacs FM, Martín A, Plana MN, Royuela A, and The Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Catastrophizing, state-anxiety, anger and depressive symptoms do not correlate with disability when variations of trait-anxiety are taken into account. A study of chronic low back pain patients treated in Spanish pain units [NCT00360802]. Pain Medicine 2011;12:1008–1017.

  65. Kovacs FM, Olabe J, Urrútia G, Zamora J, Bagó J, Álvarez-Galovich L, Abraira V. Yet another reason for improving approval and surveillance processes for health technologies. The Spine Journal 2011;11(8):800-801.

  66. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Urrútia G. Advocating for cost/effective placebos. Spine 2011;36(19):1615.

  67. Arana E, Kovacs FM, Royuela A, Estremera A, Asenjo B, Sarasíbar H, Amengual G, Galarraga I, Alonso A, Casillas C, Muriel A, Montoya J, Ordóñez C, Martínez C, Zamora J, Campillo C, Abraira V. Modic changes and associated features in Southern European chronic low back pain patients. The Spine Journal 2011;11 :402-411.

  68. Arana E, Kovacs FM. Phraseology of disk herniation: an unproductive debate. Clinical Radiology 2011;66: 896-899.

  69. Arana E, Kovacs FM, Royuela A, Estremera A, Sarasíbar H, Amengual G, Galarraga I, Martínez C, Muriel A, Abraira V, Zamora J, Campillo C. The influence of nomenclature in the interpretation of lumbar disk contour on MRI: A comparison of the agreement using the Combined Task Force and the Nordic nomenclatures. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2011;32:1143– 48.

  70. Kovacs FM, Oliver-Frontera A, Plana MN, Royuela A, Muriel A, Gestoso M and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Improving schoolchildren’s knowledge of methods for prevention and management of low back pain. A cluster randomized controlled trial. Spine 2011;36:E505–E512.

  71. Kovacs FM, Seco J, Royuela A, Peña A, Muriel A and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. The correlation between pain, catastrophizing and disability in subacute and chronic low back pain. A study in the routine clinical practice of the Spanish National Health Service. Spine 2011;36:339–345.

  72. Albadalejo C, Kovacs FM, Royuela A, del Pino R, Zamora J et al. The efficacy of a short education program and a short physiotherapy program for treating low back pain in primary care. A clusterrandomized trial. Spine 2010;35: 483–496.

  73. Arana E, Royuela A, Kovacs FM, Estremera A, Sarasíbar H, Amengual G, Galarraga I, Martínez C, Muriel A, Abraira V, Gil del Real MT, Zamora J, Campillo C. Agreement in the interpretation of 1.5T Magnetic Resonance images of the lumbar spine using the Nordic Modic Consensus Group Classification form. Radiology 2010; 254:809–817.

  74. Palou P, Kovacs FM, Vidal J, Gili M, Borrás PA, Gestoso M, Ponseti X. Validation of a questionnaire to determine risk factors for back pain in 10-12 year-old school children . Gazz Med Ital2010;5(169):199-205.

  75. Kovacs FM, Royuela A, Jensen TS, Estremera A, Amengual G, Muriel A, Galarraga I, Martinez C, Arana E, Sarasibar H, Salgado RM, Abraira V, López O, Campillo C, Gil del Real MT, Zamora J. Agreement in theinterpretationofmagneticresonanceimagesofthe lumbar spine. Acta Radiologica 2009; 5: 497-506.

  76. Kovacs FM, Zanoli G. Re: Yuan J, Purepong N, Kerr DP, et al. Effectiveness of acupuncture for low back pain. A systematicreview.Spine 2008;33:E887–E900. Spine 2009, April 1; 34 (7):752.

  77. Carragee EJ, Deyo RA, Kovacs FM, Wilco CP, Lurie JD, Urrútia G. Is the spine field a mine field? Spine 2009; 34 (5): 423-430.

  78. Cherkin D, Kovacs FM, Croft P, Borkan J, Foster NE, Öberg B, Urrútia G, Zamora J. The ninth international forum for primary care research on low back pain. Spine 2009; 34 (3): 304-307.

  79. Kovacs FM, Gil del Real MT, López J, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N. La Influencia de los padres sobre el consumo de alcohol y tabaco y otros hábitos de los adolescentes de Palma de Mallorca en 2003. RevEsp Salud Pública 2008; 82 (6): 677-689.

  80. Latorre-Marqués E, Urruia G, Alonso P, Kovacs F, Gil del Real MT. El manejo de la lumbalgia en la «era del conocimiento»: ¿Guías de práctica clínica basadas en la evidencia o en el «consenso»? Dolor 2008;1(23);5-6.

  81. Latorre-Marqués E, Kovacs F, Gil del Real MT, Alonso P, Urrutia G. La versión española de la Guía COST B13: Una guía de práctica clínica para la lumbalgia inespecífica basada en la evidencia científica. Dolor 2008;1(23):7-17.

  82. Kovacs FM, Gil del Real MT, Gestoso M et al. Relación entre hábitos de vida y calificaciones escolares en adolescentes. Apuntes Med del Deporte 2008; 160: 181-188.

  83. Kovacs FM, Noguera J, Abraira V, Royuela A, Cano A, Gil del Real MT, Zamora J, Gestoso M, Muriel A, Mufraggi N. The influence of psychological factors on low back pain-related disability in community-dwelling older persons. Pain Med 2008; 9(7): 871-880

  84. Kovacs FM, Bagó J, Royuela A, Seco J, Giménez S, Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Psychometric characteristics of the Spanish version of instruments to measure neck pain disability. Biomed Central Musculoskeletal 2008. 9:42 doi:10.1186/1471-2474-9-42

  85. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Royuela A, Corcoll J, Alegre L, Tomás M, Mir MA, Cano A, Muriel A, Zamora J, Gil del Real MT, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N. Minimum detectable and minimalclinicallyimportantchangesforpain in patientswithnonspecificneckpain. BMCMusculoskeletalDisorders 2008, 9:43 doi:10.1186/1471-2474-9-43.

  86. Dionne CE, Dunn KM, Croft PR et al. A Consensus Approach Toward the Standardization of Back Pain Definitions for Use in Prevalence Studies. Spine 2008; 33:95-103.

  87. Berguer A, Kovacs F, Abraira V, Mufraggi N, Royuela A, Muriel A, Gestoso M, Falahat F, Martín-Granizo R, Zamora J. Neuro-reflexotherapyforthemanagementofmyofascial TMJ pain. A double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized clinical trial. J Oral Maxillofac Surgery 2008;66:1664-77.

  88. Kovacs, F. M. Del Real, M. T. G. Gestoso, M. Mufraggi, N. Martin, M. Jimenez, S. M. Santos, S. Nishishinya, B. Cuidados de la espalda de los cuidadores. Revista ROL de Enfermería 2007; 30 (9): 569-574.

  89. Kovacs FM, AbrairaV.La Red Española de Investigadores en Dolencias de Espalda (REIDE). Definición y actividad. Medicina Preventiva 2007, 3er trimestre; XIII (3): 7.

  90. Clavo B, Robaina F, Kovacs FM, Urrútia G. Fulminating septicaemia secondary to oxygen-ozone therapy for lumbar disc herniation. Case report. Letter to the Editor. Spine 2007; (32): 18:2036.

  91. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Royuela A, Corcoll J, Alegre L, Cano A, Muriel A, Zamora J, Gil del Real MT, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N, Spanish Back PainResearch Network. Minimal clinically important change for pain intensity and disability in patients with nonspecific low back pain. Spine 2007; 32 (25): 2915-2920.

  92. Kovacs FM, Urrutia G. An updated systematic review on the effectiveness, cost/effectiveness and safety of total lumbar disc replacement prostheses. European Musculoskeletal Review 2007;

  93. Kovacs F, Abraira V, Cano A, Royuela A, Gil del Real MT, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N, Muriel A, Zamora J, Spanish Back PainResearch Network. Fear avoidance beliefs do not influence disability and quality of life in Spanish elderly subjects with low back pain. Spine 2007;32:2133-2138.

  94. Kovacs FM, Muriel A, Castillo Sánchez MD, Medina JM, Royuela A and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Fear avoidance beliefs influence duration of sick leave in Spanish low back pain patients. Spine 2007;32 (16):1761-1766.

  95. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Muriel A, Corcoll J, Alegre J, Tomas M, Mir MA, Tobajas P, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N, Gil del Real MT, Zamora J. Prognostic factors for neuroreflexotherapy in the treatment of subacute and chronic neck and back pain. A study of predictors of clinical outcome in routine practice of the Spanish National Health Service. Spine 2007;32(15):1621-1628.

  96. Urrútia G, Kovacs FM, Nishishinya MB, Olabe J. Author reply to comment on Percutaneous thermocoagulation intradiscal techniques for discogenic low back pain. Letter to the Editor. Spine 2007;32(25):2928-9.

  97. Urrutia G, Kovacs FM, Nishishinya B, Olabe J. Percutaneous thermocoagulation intradiscal techniques for discogenic low back pain. A systematic review. Spine 2007;32(10):1146-54.

  98. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Santos S, Díaz E, Gestoso M, Muriel A, Gil del Real MT, Mufraggi N, Noguera J, Zamora J fortheSpanish Back PainResearch Network. A comparison of two short education programs for improving low back pain-related disability in the elderly: a cluster randomised controlled trial. Spine 2007;32(10):1053-1059.

  99. Zamora J, Kovacs F, Abraira V, Fernández C, Lázaro P, The Spanish Back Pain Research Network. The social tariff of EQ-5D is not adequate to assess health-related Quality of Life in patients with low back pain. Qual Life Res 2007, Apr; 16(3): 523-531.

  100. Kovacs FM, Fernandez C, Cordero A, Muriel A, González-Luján L and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Non-specific low back pain in primary care in the Spanish National Health Service: a prospective study on clinical outcomes and determinants of management. BMC Health Serv Res 2006 May 17;6:57.

  101. Aalto TJ, Malmivaara A, Kovacs FM, Herno A, Alen M, Salmi L, Kroger H, Andrade J, Jimenez R, Tapaninaho A, Turunen V, Savolainen S, Airaksinen O. Preoperative predictors for postoperative clinical outcome in lumbar spinal stenosis. Systematic Review. Spine 2006; 31 (18): E648-E663.

  102. Kovacs FM, Urrutia G, Nishinshiya B, Olabe J, Roque M, García J, Gil-Del-Real MT. Systematic review on the efficacy and safety of intervertebral disc prostheses in the lumbar spine. Spine J 2006;6 (5):4S-5S.

  103. van Tulder M, Becker A, Bekkering T, Breen A, Gil del Real MT, Hutchinson A, Koes B, Laerum E, Malmivaara A, On behalf of the COST B13 Working Group on Guidelines for the Management of Acute Low Back Pain in Primary Care. European guidelines for the management of acute nonspecific low back pain in primary care. Eur Spine J 2006;15(Supplement 2):S169-191.

  104. Airaksinen O, Brox JI, Cedraschi C, Hildebrandt J, Klaber-Moffett J, Kovacs FM, Mannion AF, Reis S, Staal JB, Ursin H, Zanoli G, On behalf of the COST B13 Working Group on Guidelines for Chronic Low Back Pain. European guidelines for the management of chronic nonspecific low back pain. Eur Spine J 2006;15(Supplement 2):S192-299.

  105. Kovacs FM, Muriel A, Abraira V, Medina JM, Castillo MD, Olabe J, and Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Psychometric characteristics of the Spanish version of the FAB Questionnaire. Spine 2006; 31 (1): 104-110.

  106. Red Española de Investigadores en Dolencias de la Espalda. El interés de la Red Española de Investigadores en Dolencias de la Espalda para el Médico Rehabilitador. SERMEF. Rehabilitación, Madrid 2005; 39 (4): 185-91.

  107. Kovacs FM, Muriel A, Victor A, Medina JM, Castillo Sanchez MD, Olabe J and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. The influence of Fear Avoidance Beliefs on Disability and Quality of Life is sparse in Spanish low back patients. Spine 2005;30(22):E676-E682.

  108. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Zamora J, Fernández C and the Spanish Back Pain Research Network. The transition from acute to subacute and chronic low back pain. A study based on determinants of quality of life and prediction of chronic disability. Spine 2005;30(15):1786-1792.

  109. Moix J, y la Red Española de Investigadores en Dolencias de la Espalda. Invitación para formar parte de la Red española de Investigadores en Dolencias de la Espalda. Ansiedad y Estrés 2005;11(1):101-110.

  110. Kovacs FM. El uso del cuestionario Roland-Morris en los pacientes con lumbalgia asistidos en atención primaria. SEMERGEN 2005;31(7):331-5.

  111. Seguí M, Giménez S, Martínez F, Panero P, Abraira V, y la Red Española de Investigadores en Dolencias de la Espalda. La Red Española de Investigadores en Dolencias de la Espalda. SEMERGEN 2005;31(5):199-203.

  112. Kovacs M. Acupuncture does not produce a significant clinical effect in chronic neck pain. [Commentary]. Aust J Physiother 2005;51:54.

  113. Kovacs FM, González Luján L, Moix J, Martínez F, Luna S, Abraira V, Lázaro P, and The Spanish Back Pain Research Network. Interventions with similar efficacy to placebo: a useless randomised controlled trial.). BMJ 2005. URL: (available on line 21 February 2005).

  114. Kovacs FM, Lazaro P, Muriel A, Abraira V, Zamora J, Fernandez C et al. Does the UK BEAM trial really support the use of manipulation? BMJ 2005. URL: (available on line 12 January 2005).

  115. Grupo PINS. Intervención neurorreflejoterápica para el tratamiento de las enfermedades mecánicas del raquis. Resultado de una experiencia piloto. GacSanit 2004;18(4):275-86.

  116. Red Balear de investigadores en dolencias de la espalda. La Red Balear de investigadores en dolencias de la espalda (ReBIDE). Medicina Balear 2004;19(1):5-9.

  117. Kovacs FM, Abraira V. Language bias in a systematic review of chronic pain: How to prevent the omission of non-English publications? Clin J Pain (2004;20 (3):199-200).

  118. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Zamora J, Gil del Real MT, Llobera J, Fernández C, and the Kovacs-Atención Primaria Group. Correlation between pain, disability and quality of life in patients with common low back pain. Spine: 2004;29(2):206-210.

  119. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Peña A, Hadler NM, Evans AT. Medium firm mattresses reduced pain related disability more than firm mattresses in chronic, non-specific low back pain. Evidence-Based Medicine 2004;4(9):119

  120. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Martín-Rodríguez JG, Peña A, Sánchez-Vera M, Ferrer E, Ruano D, Guillén P, Gestoso M, Muriel A, Zamora J, Gil del Real MT, Mufraggi N. Effect of the firmness of the mattress on chronic non-specific low back pain. A randomised, double-blind, controlled, multicentre trial. Lancet: 2003;362:1599-1604.

  121. Kovacs FM., Gestoso M, Gil del Real MT, López J, Mufraggi N, Méndez JI. Risk factors for non-specific low back pain in schoolchildren and their parents: a population based study. Pain 2003;103:259-268.

  122. European Commission COST B13 Management Committee: Van Tulder M; Kovacs FM; Mueller G; Airaksinen O; Balague F; Bross K; Burton K; Gil del Real MT, et al. European guidelines for the management of low back pain. Acta OrthopScand 2002; (suppl 305) 73:20-25.

  123. Kovacs FM, Llobera J, Gil del Real MT, Abraira V, Gestoso M, Fernández C. La neurorreflejoterapia en la lumbalgia subaguda y crónica es efectiva y eficiente. EBM (Edic. esp.) 2002;1:291-292.

  124. Kovacs FM, Llobera J, Abraira V, Lázaro P, Pozo F, Kleinbaum D, and the KAP group. Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Neuroreflexotherapy for Subacute and Chronic Low Back Pain in Routine General Practice. Spine 2002;27 (11):1149-1159.

  125. Kovacs FM. "Manejo clínico de la lumbalgia inespecífica basado en la evidencia científica". SEMERGEN 2002;28(1):1-3.

  126. Kovacs FM, Llobera J, Gil del Real MT, Abraira V., Gestoso M., Fernández C.; and the KAP group. Validation of the Spanish Version of the Roland Morris Questionnaire. Spine 2002;27 (5):538-542.

  127. Kovacs FM, Gil del Real MT, Abraira V, Lazaro P, Pozo F, López J. El Web de la espalda. Medicina de Familia 2001;2:149-51.

  128. Kovacs F.M., Gestoso M., Mufraggi N. La intervención neurorreflejoterápica en el tratamiento de la lumbalgia inespecífica. Dolor 2001; 16; 88-91.

  129. Kovacs FM, Llobera J, Abraira V, Aguilar MD, Gestoso M, Lazaro P, y Grupo KAP. Evaluación económica de la Neurorreflejoterapia en el tratamiento de la lumbalgia inespecífica. Asociación Economía de la Salud, Barcelona 2001.

  130. Kovacs FM, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N, Gil del Real MT, Santos S, Martín M. Mejora de la salud laboral y reducción del absentismo por lumbalgia inespecífica. Medicina del Trabajo 2000;9:211-220.

  131. Kovacs FM, Gil del Real MT. Un estudio necesario, pero un Comité de Expertos superfluo. MedClín (Barc) 2000;115:637-8.

  132. Kovacs FM, Gil del Real MT. Is approval of acupuncture for back pain really evidence based? BMJ 2000;321:1221.

  133. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Lázaro P, Grupo Web de la Espalda. Evaluación de la evidencia científica, actualización médica y divulgación sanitaria en Internet. El Web de la Espalda Rheuma 2000;3:43-52.

  134. Kovacs FM, García A, Mufraggi N, García F, Pavía D, Prandi D, Gotzens V, Giralt I, Piera C, Setoain J. Migration pathways of hypodermically injected technetium-99m in dog. Eur Radiol 2000;10:1019-1025.

  135. Gil del Real MT, Kovacs FM, Gestoso M, Mufraggi N, Dieguez JM y "Balearic Back Pain Group". Evaluation of two questionnaries to determine exposure to risk factors for non-specific low back pain in Mallorcan schoolchildren and their parents. Eur J Public Health 1999:9(3):194-199.

  136. Kovacs F M, Abraira V, Pozo F, Peña A. Re: Stevens R, Goodwin S. Letter to the Editor. Spine 1998;3:395-396. Spine 1998;3:396.

  137. Peña A, Gestoso M, Kovacs FM, Mufraggi N. Escuela de la Espalda: Prevención y rehabilitación de las patologías mecánicas del raquis. Rheuma 1997;5:16-22.

  138. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Pozo F, Kleinbaum DG, Beltrán J, Mateo I, Pérez de Ayala C, Peña A, Zea A, González Lanza M, Morillas L. Local and Remote Sustained Trigger Point Therapy for Exarcebations of Chronic Low Back Pain. A randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled, Multicenter Trial. Spine 1997; 22:786-797.

  139. Kovacs FM, Gotzens V, García A, García F, Mufraggi N, Prandi D, Setoain J, San Román F. Radioactive pathways of hypodermically injected technetium-99m. Am J Chin Med 1996;24(1):101-2.

  140. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Pozo F, Kleinbaum D, Beltrán J, Mateo I, et al. La intervención neurorreflejoterápica (NRT) en la lumbalgia inespecífica crónica. RevEspReumatol 1996; 23: 206.

  141. Duró J, Carbonell J. La intervención neurorreflejoterápica en el tratamiento de la lumbalgia inespecífica: un ensayo clínico controlado, aleatorizado, a doble ciego. Cartas al Director. Med Clin (Barc) 1994;1(103):37.

  142. Kovacs FM, Mufraggi N, Gestoso M. La intervención neurorreflejoterápica en la patología mecánica del raquis. RevIberoamRehabMed 1994; 47: 89-104.

  143. Kovacs FM, Mufraggi N. La medicina no convencional en Europa - El programa COST B4. Index de Enfermería. 1994;10:23-27.

  144. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, López-Abente G, Pozo F. La intervención neurorreflejoterápica en el tratamiento de la lumbalgia inespecífica: un ensayo clínico controlado, aleatorizado, a doble ciego. MedClín (Barc) 1993;101:570-575.

  145. Kovacs FM, Gotzens V, García A, García F, Mufraggi N, Prandi D, Setoain J, San Román F. Kinetics of hypodermically injected technetium-99m and correlation with cutaneous structures: an experimental study in dogs. Eur J Nucl Med 1993; 20: 585-590.

  146. Kovacs FM, Gotzens V, García A, García F, Mufraggi N, Prandi D. Acupuncture and radioactive pathways of hypodermically injected technetium-99m. J Nucl Med 1992;33(11):2060.

  147. Moreno J, Gestoso M, Kovacs FM. La efectividad de la intervención neurorreflejoterápica en el Tratamiento de la Patología Mecánica Crónica del Raquis. Resultados Preliminares. Medicina del Trabajo 1992;1:433-443.

  148. Kovacs FM, Gotzens V, García A, García F, Mufraggi N, Prandi D, Setoain J, San Román F. Experimental Study on Radioactive Pathways of Hypodermically Injected Technetium-99m. J Nucl Med 1992; 33: 403-407.

  149. Prats-Galino A, Blanco-Font A, Arroyo-Guijarro J, Kovacs FM, Ruano D. The organization of the Cervical Vagus Nerve in the Dorsal Motor Nucleus demostrated by Retrogade Transport of HRP in the Guinea Pig. Verh Anal Ges(AnatAnz Suppl 170) 1991; 707-708.

  150. Prats-Galino A, Blanco-Font A, Arroyo-Guijarro J, Kovacs FM, Ruano D. Utilización de peroxidasas para el estudio de vías nerviosas. Revista de la ReialAcadèmia de Medicina de Barcelona 1991; 6: 73-76.

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